formerly The Conservatory of Puppetry Arts (COPA)
1062 N. Fair Oaks Avenue - Pasadena, CA 91103 - telephone & fax: 626-296-1536
TreeHouse Exhibit
"Step Into a Story"
July 2010 - About a hundred IPM puppets based on characters from stories from around the world are on display at the Elizabeth Stewart Treehouse Museum in Ogden, Utah.
The exhibit was scheduled from April 3, 2010 until June 28, 2010. It has been extended until mid-August. Many of the puppets re famous, having starred on stage and in films. The collection includes marionettes, rod puppets and hand puppets. All are hand-crafted works by puppeteers who used them in their puppet shows. The puppets are on display in the Treehouse gazebo and specially built cases.